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Again, Mr. Prosser, I totally agree. I get slammed every time I call out the excesses of the transgender movement or suggest that there's more to the subject than just freedom for people to be who they want to be.

If someone wants to mutilate his or body, that's his/her choice. His/her right. And nobody has any business telling him or her what to do about it. But don't ask me to bow down and pretend it's some grand political statement. It's not.

How is declaring oneself a man or woman any different from declaring oneself a different race or different ethnicity? Why was Rachel Dolezal dragged over the coals? Why is her supposed sin unforgivable, yet Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner is held up as some kind of crusader? He/she was on the cover of Vanity Fair, was written up endlessly by the mainstream media, when in fact he/she is just another over-hyped narcissist with too much money and not enough sense (and a Trump supporter, to boot), seeking attention.

Mark my words: years from now, when the country finally wakes up from this trans psychosis, people will acknowledge the abuse that was perpetrated on so many mentally ill people, which is what most of these trans people are, instead of helping them, and there will be lawsuits out the wazoo for children and adolescents whose bodies were irrevocably harmed by puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and surgical mutilation.

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