Both Scotland and Wales are at a significant disadvantage by being poorer and economically weaker than their patron, England. Independence will be a very costly endeavor for them unless they can instantly find a new patron to replace the old one. While inside the EU there was at least the theoretical chance that Brussels could play that role. Outside the EU there is no such hope and independence will undoubtedly lead to misery (at least in the short term). Northern Ireland do have an alternative patron in the form of the Republic or Ireland (and indirectly the EU) giving them a plausibly misery-free way out of the UK.

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Yes, agree that the situation in Northern Ireland is v different. On Scotland and Wales, it just depends whether one thinks that EU membership would compensate for a hard border with England - I'm not convinced!

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You're spoiling all the fun for Twitter's continuity Remain contingent. This is a good thing (and I voted Remain)

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The divergence PDF is interesting, albeit depressing with how frequently the "divergence" is the UK not actually deregulating anything. Rees-Mogg has the right idea but seems ineffective, he can't even get the civil service to go into the office let alone make major changes to how UK law works.

I think the biggest issue for Scotland/Wales would be the process of getting accepted into the EU. It's not instant and in that meantime who would be subsidizing them? They'd also have to switch to the Euro, and explain why "independence" means dependence on a different union instead of, you know, actually being independent.

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Yes - EU approval is another important issue! Probably, Spanish opposition would be considerable.

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